{"0":"Malia is a fellow consultant at the consulting firm that you work at. Both of you earn an annual salary of $60,000 a year, and you two are having a chat at work about the plan for an upcoming meeting. Malia is adequate at her job. You know this because the company recently went through the annual performance review, and Malia got 3 out of 5. There seems to be agreement around the office that Malia is a decent worker. Since working together with Malia, you have observed that Malia follows the usual office schedule, coming to work at 9am and leaving at 5pm like everyone else. In the conversation you are having at the office, the topic of passion comes up. \u201cI feel delighted that I'm able to pursue my passions at work,\u201d she continues. \u201cIt's so important to me that I am able to do the things that I care the most about and mean the most to me in this job\u201d. You observe that Malia is clearly passionate about her work.","1":"Another week at the office has begun and you find yourself having a conversation with a co-worker, Sofia, at the coffee machine. From what you know, Sofia is seen as a passably competent and adequately skilled worker in the same position as you, working in the company as a consultant. You both have a similar annual salary of $60k, and you heard that Sofia recently got 3 out of 5 in her annual performance review. Sofia, like everyone else at the consulting firm, tends to come to work from 9am until 5pm.","2":"It is the beginning of the work week and you are having a conversation with one of your coworkers, Diego. You and Diego work in the same position as a consultant, and you know that he earns the same annual salary as you, which is $60,000 every year. Diego is known to be very skilled at his job, and is typically seen to be very competent. In fact, he recently went through a performance review and got 4.5\/5. At the consulting firm you work at, the typical work day is from 9am to 5pm. In the time that you and Diego have worked together, you have noticed that Diego tends to come in from 9am to 5pm like everyone else. Diego states how important it is for him to pursue his passion at work. Specifically, he says: \u201cI feel excited that this job allows me to do things that are important and significant to me on the job.\u201d Clearly, he primarily pursues his passions at work.","3":"You bump into a co-worker, Denzel, in the hallway on your way to the meeting. Denzel waves to you as a greeting and you wave back as you pass by each other. Denzel is another consultant working at the company with you, and has been recognized as an adept worker at the company. In fact, you heard from another coworker that Denzel got 4.5 out of 5 in their most recent annual performance review. Both of you earn $60,000 as an annual salary. From what you have observed having worked at the consulting firm with Denzel, he follows the typical schedule at the company, coming to work at 9am and leaving at 5pm.","4":"You are on a break and you are chatting with Spencer, who is a coworker of yours. Spencer, similar to you, also works as a consultant in the company, and earns $60,000 for his annual salary, which is the same as your annual salary. During a recent performance review, Spencer got 3\/5. Word around the company is that Spencer is a decently competent worker, and is ordinarily skilled at his job. From working with Spencer, you have observed that he typically works the usual hours, from 9am to 5pm, just like everyone else. You have also noticed that Spencer primarily pursues his passion at work. In fact, in a recent conversation with Spencer, he expressed that he cares strongly about pursuing his passion through his job, stating: \u201cI'm thrilled that I get to pursue what I'm passionate about in this job.\u201d","condition1":"f_passion_good_scenario5","condition2":"f_control_good_scenario3","condition3":"m_passion_great_scenario1","condition4":"m_control_great_scenario4","condition5":"m_passion_good_scenario2","malename1":"Diego","malename2":"Denzel","malename3":"Spencer","femalename1":"Malia","femalename2":"Sofia","femalename3":"Emily","name1":"Malia","name2":"Sofia","name3":"Diego","name4":"Denzel","name5":"Spencer"}